Advantages of e-cigarettes

There is no dispute that smoking tobacco cigarettes with their harmful substances such as nicotine, tar, and many other toxins and additives is very harmful to health. Nicotine and Co. can cause many diseases and ailments. We have known this at the latest since the warning texts were printed on the cigarette packs.Advantages of e-cigarettes

Advantages of e-cigarettes even though most smokers are aware of this, they don’t want to give up their vice. That is why many smokers call the switch from the glow stick to the modern electric cigarette a better and healthier alternative. According to XSmoke, there are already around 2 million e-cigarette smokers in Germany. One in ten smokers is already “steaming” – and the trend is rising. Our guide “ Advantages of e-cigarettes ” shows you in detail why many smokers now swear by e-cigarettes.

e-cigarettes less harmful to health

Compared to tobacco cigarettes, electronic ones have hardly any pollutants. The smoker ingests the following harmful substances when inhaling:

  • nicotine
  • tar
  • Hydrocyanic acid
  • Carbon monoxide
  • arsenic
  • carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

and approx. 4000 (!) partly still unknown substances.

With the e-cigarette, the liquid is vaporized and inhaled by the smoker. This vapor usually consists of water, glycerin, propylene glycol (E 1520), and benzyl alcohol. Depending on whether you add nicotine to the flavored liquid, this harmful substance naturally gets into your lungs and blood. With electronic cigarettes, you can decide for yourself whether to use nicotine-containing liquids. You can usually choose from three different nicotine strengths at the retailer. After switching from the conventional tobacco cigarette to the “vapor cigarette” you can gradually reduce the nicotine dose and gradually get your body used to less nicotine again. Finally, you can completely sneak it out and only inhale the flavored steam.
According to the current state of knowledge, many scientists and doctors consider inhaling the nicotine-free liquids as harmless. The substance propylene glycol, also known as food additive E 1520, which is almost 99% contained in steam, can also be found in toothpaste, chewing gums, and cosmetics. Mind you, this is the case based on current scientific knowledge. There are also critical voices, however, where there is still a lack of tangible evidence. As a switch from cigarette to e-cigarette, even if it contains a nicotine-containing liquid, you are sure to be doing yourself and your health a favor.

E-cigarettes with steam and without annoying smoke and smell

A very big advantage is that you no longer have annoying and smelly smoke with e-cigarettes. Passive smoking is very harmful to children and pets in the long run. This can no longer happen with the e-cigarettes. The vapor from a liquid without nicotine is harmless for fellow human beings and for animals.
When evaporating liquids with nicotine, there are harmful substances in the steam, but the amount is very small compared to the “good old” glow sticks.
Because there is no more nicotine smoke, you no longer have a cold smell of cigarettes in the house or apartment. This adheres to the time in which the room is smoked and can only be removed with difficulty and effort. If you are interested in this topic, please read our article ” Chasing cold cigarette smoke out of your home “.
Without the annoying cigarette smoke, the clothes remain smoke-free and do not smell. The skin, especially on the fingers, can no longer turn yellow.
Of course, after smoking an e-cigarette, you don’t smell cigarette smoke from your mouth.
With the e-cigarettes, you no longer need ashtrays, because there are no ash residues and certainly no more cigarette butts. Who likes to empty out full stinking ashtrays and always dispose of them straight away.

E-cigarettes without fire risk

Many smokers are probably familiar with the problem of fire holes. Even if you pay attention, sometimes ash with a little embers falls off the tip of the cigarette and leaves a burn hole in the car seat, the sofa, on the blanket, or on your clothes. Unfortunately, there are always cases of house fires because the smoker has fallen asleep with the cigarette in hand. Since the e-cigarettes no longer have embers and hot ashes, there is no longer any risk of burn holes, burns, or house fires. By switching to electronic vaporizers you get a lot more security in the house.

In the long term, e-cigarettes are cheaper than conventional cigarettes

Every smoker, especially chain smoker, knows that cigarettes are really expensive these days. Some heavy smokers who smoke 1-2 boxes a day pull a few hundred euros a month through their lungs. You can save a lot of money with e-cigarettes. Of course, you have a relatively high purchase price for an electronic cigarette with about 20-75 euros. The actual liquid is quite economical and inexpensive to use. So the purchase of an e-cigarette pays for itself after a short time. Depending on the number of previous cigarettes, usually after a month.

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